I'm a Thing-Finder, and when you are a Thing-Finder you don't have a minute to spare.
...the whole world is full of things, and somebody has to look for them.
Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Etsy here I come.............

I'm getting a little ahead of myself but can't help it, I'm so excited!!!! I have almost got my Etsy shop up and running just tweaking a few things and ummm.....wellll......still need to make some stuff!!! Of course I'm exaggerating I've made stuff, I'm not sure that it's enough to fill a shop but that's the great thing about Etsy.... you don't need to fill it.(not really possible anyway seen as it's online and everyone knows that that means endless and everywhere) 

Hey I forgot to show you my fabulous bunny that I of course finally finished at about 7.30pm on Easter Sunday, just in time to give them to my nieces and still be able to call it an Easter present....

Bunny got a bit out of control.......



  1. Ooh yaay! Looking forward to checking out your etsy shop!
    I'm on etsy too under 'my nostalgic feeling'.
    Hope you've been awesome - and welcomg to blog land!
    C xx

  2. I think bunny needs to hook up with Moussie from Gordon street and they are bound to have a fab time...

    LVE H

    http://www.abc.net.au/tv/adamhillsIGST/video/default.htm?pid=player2&src=/tv/adamhillsIGST/xml/s3198166.xml&title=Mouse In Da House&videoID=s3198166&autostart=true
