I'm a Thing-Finder, and when you are a Thing-Finder you don't have a minute to spare.
...the whole world is full of things, and somebody has to look for them.
Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren



Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Loose ends.....

The week has finally arrived when we can no longer put it off.....

I'd like to say we have everything all sorted and now we are opening but it has come time to just take the leap, undone bits and all!!! We have quite a long list of things still to do but it's a sort of ongoing, never-ending type of list that feels like it's growing and not getting any smaller.

We will open this week

We just need to work out when..............

wait staff in training........


  1. I love your blog. It has a nice 'feel' about it.
    It's real, touched with humour and intelligence and most of all oozing with family togetherness.
    Can't wait to read more!
    PS It sounds like you have a true grounding spirit in your sister.
