I'm a Thing-Finder, and when you are a Thing-Finder you don't have a minute to spare.
...the whole world is full of things, and somebody has to look for them.
Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren



Saturday, September 10, 2011

Is it too late to quit???

The tiny bit of enjoyment I was having while being stressed and beside myself has come to a grinding halt........ I seriously thought of cutting my losses and chucking (love that word) it all in. We had grand visions of moving some things in this weekend and making the place look like it's supposed to when we were completely disillusioned by our concrete floor polisher tradie guy first up Friday morning.

It started when the guy was supposed to be meeting us at the shop at 7am on Thursday but ended up being an hour late. That afternoon when Christine went to pick up the keys she found all his rubbish and all the old floor coverings still lying out the back but no sign of him. She managed to lug all the lino out to her car but she couldn't move the large, opened bag of cement that he'd left in  the middle of the walkway. Anyway I was naively still pretty excited about being able to move in this weekend and was imagining floors that were shiny and funky when we went to meet the builder on Friday morning . My good humour didn't last long when I saw the mess that was our shop floor.

It looked just like a dirty shed floor and was really shoddily done with lots of sections still really uneven and pot-hole like. I was completely shocked and nearly burst out crying there and then..... It actually got worse because we realised that the kitchen area out the back was really badly done as well with the flakes on the floor being inconsistent and not sealed properly. I still can't believe that anyone could do such a shit job and put their name to it and worse, expect to get paid for it!!!!!!!!!.

 I ranted and raved for a good couple of hours and then rang him to tell him to come and fix it. He has agreed to come back on Monday so hopefully he'll rectify the problems. I'll keep you posted!!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Girls!!!
    Sorry to hear you sad news! I just want to cry for you or just come and with have a chat to the traddie.....humbug...

    just dig deep and keep going! (give that tradie and ear full and more)

    NO ONE GETS PAID FOR A HALF ARSSED JOB! What the hell is he thinking?
    Keep us posted and take care
