I'm finally starting to 'get' what it means to live in the moment and stop trying to make life go the way I want. I went on a coffee date yesterday and realised that I have changed so much in the way I approach first dates. It's not that my expectations or wish list has changed but I no longer 'search' for these qualities or traits, instead I find that I am naturally just present. I think it's an age thing - partly biological (the clock has quietened) and partly because I've realised that I don't 'need' to be with someone. Sure I still think it would be great but now I am seeking a friend and companion not someone that will give me an identity and boost to my fragile self esteem. It feels a bit like I have just learnt to relax.

In general I think my approach to life has changed. I don't want to spend so much time looking and waiting for 'stuff' to happen in my life that I actually miss the real bits that are going on all around me. I'm starting to value the things that I once considered a burden or chore or mundane.
Well that's enough of the Dear Diary heart stuff now it's time to get down to some creative stuff.....I'm thinking that this blog is the perfect way to inspire me I found her ages ago and just rediscovered her. Her photos on flickr are absolutely beautiful, especially the ones of her home.
Need to finish journal covers today
and start on that imaginary quilt!!!!
This is the starting point to my quilt, a beautiful old linen tea towel!!!